Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I Wonder as I Wander

I was inspired by Cynthia’s blog “Things in life that confuse me.” I honestly wish I could consider the things listed below a conundrum. Instead, they mostly just piss me off. I don’t know why I get so easily irritated about so many petty things, but I do!

Did you see that Seinfeld episode where… I really have a new appreciation for Seinfeld episodes now that I have been working in my current job for over 6 years. This office is one giant Seinfeld episode. Remember when Elaine was sick of the cake celebrations going on in the office and was shunned from the gatherings after losing her cool at one? She was forced to then eat Mr. Peterman’s super old antique wedding cake he paid millions for. I will testify to the truthfulness of that episode. There is indeed an office “sugar fix” that attacks not too long after 3 p.m. Like Elaine, I want to cry out to stop the madness, for the love of Sam!!!! But secretly I know I will need the sugar someday and can’t afford to offend…

Here’s one thing that lately has really frayed my last ever-loving nerve: People who verbally announce “knock-knock” as they are knocking on my office door and standing in the doorway. Is it not enough that you’re actually wrapping on my door? You actually have to provide the onomatopoeia as well? I’m not deaf, dumb, blind or stupid. I can see you standing in my doorway! One of these days I WILL get smarty and answer back “Who’s there” when I get the knock-knock. Because it’s just a joke anymore.

To piggyback onto that, I am sick of people who announce “Sorry to interrupt your lunch” as they walk into my office for some lengthy request and see me sitting here eating my food. My office has a big glass wall, not to mention an open door. You can clearly see me eating when you walk up. If you were that sorry, you’d just keep on walking and come back later.

Here’s another office annoyance: writing “Please advise” in any and all office correspondence (emails, memos, and the like). That’s just a diplomatic way of saying “Get me an answer now, dammit!” and we all know it. I’m ashamed of myself when I find my fingers tapping out that phrase. I’m a victim, not a perpetrator, I swear!!

Kleenex and stuffed animals in the rear dash of a car. Most of the time, we don’t have passengers in the back seat of our vehicles. 99% of the time when I see this, the person is alone in their car. When you start sneezing in the driver’s seat, how on earth do you expect to reach back there and grab a Kleenex? Unless you are Inspector Gadget and can Go-Go-Gadget your arm back there, you’re not getting a Kleenex any time soon. WHY DO PEOPLE PUT KLEENEX BOXES BACK THERE???

By the same token, I am SICK of seeing stuffed animals and bobble heads staring out at me from the back windshield of vehicles. Some people seriously have a Zoo going on back there. These pathetic sun-bleached animals do nothing to enhance the look of your automobiles, people. Why do they do this?

‘Tis the season for me to again scratch my head about blue Christmas lights. I don’t understand this at all. Where do people buy these strands of lights? I’ve never seen them sold in the stores. I see it more and more lately – a house fully lit in blue twinkle lights. They’re starting to put it on their bushes and trees now, too. I can only suppose they could be Jewish and want to show their Chanukah/Hanukah spirit. But I remember the Black family who lived down the street (that’s their last name and believe me these people are as white as white people get) used to do all blue lights and they were (are?) VERY strongly Christian. So there went that theory. And so I continue to scratch my head.

Animal lovers – Beyond the few pet dogs we had as kids, I’ve never much been around animals. The older I get the more I feel like I hate animals. I just don’t like them. They’re messy and germy and a lot of work. I know they give unconditional love, blah blah blah. It still does nothing for me. My beloved co-worker throws birthday parties for her dogs and picks them up a cake from the pet bakery. She dresses them up for Halloween and buys them Christmas presents and fills stockings for them. Whatever! I just don’t get that. How is it that people can refer to their pets as their ‘children’??

Here’s an example of something that TRULY confounds me about animal lovers: we’re currently having a rodent problem at work. There are mice running around and eating the foods and candy people hoard at their desks (blessedly, I seem to be immune from this at the moment). We complained to property management and they sent an “exterminator” who went around laying out glue traps with rat poison stuck to it. He warned us it would take awhile for the mouse to die and we could be hearing their cries. UGH!!!! Anyway, sure enough, this morning an employee found a stuck mouse in the kitchen and ran screaming for the hills. My amazing boss “took care” of the issue by managing to get the thing in the trash, though cringing and quaking all the way. She’s been relating the story to us due to the grisly and colored reactions we are all providing. Apparently our copier repairman heard the story and was so moved he had to go find the trashcan, remove the mouse, gently pry it from the glue, wash the glue off its little body, wrap it in a blanket, put it in his car, then drive it over to the vet to have it looked at because it was crying.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not relating this story to in any way make light of this man’s compassion. Most animal lovers of this magnitude are so extremely selfless it is a mystery to me, a wholly selfish person. I just don’t know the how the stirrings of love and sympathy for animals are generated within people to these heightened degrees since they’re dead inside of me.

Looking back on this blog, I think I am coming across as a cruel and spiteful harpie. But come on, don’t you wonder about some of these things too???


Cynthia said...

Truly, this is the FUNNIEST blog ever. Where to begin....WHERE-TO-BEGIN!!

Stuffed animals and Kleenex in the back of the car drive me insane. And yes, they are ALWAYS sunbleached. Tacky with a capital T. I am a bit jealous I didn't think of it first and add it to my own blog. Good one, good one.

As I read about the blue xmas lights I thought about the Blacks long before you even mentioned it. Some things are never erased from the memory. I wish I had something clever to say about the blue lights thing. Maybe they are depressed and it is a cry for help?

The social etiquette, or lack thereof, in your office makes me laugh loudly. Ha! You are in a glass office, obviously eating, and people still interrupt you? These are the same idiots who wait until the last minute to merge lanes when there have been signs for miles telling them to do so. Gosh!

And lastly, I will NEVER understand animal lovers. If you are making up the story about the repairman helping out the mouse then this is good. If you are making up this story, it is SAD. I repeat, SAD. Okay, and hilarious, but mostly sad.

Cynthia said...

Correction--the last two sentences of my comment should read as follows:

If you are NOT making up this story, it is SAD. I repeat, SAD. Okay, and hilarious, but mostly sad

Paul said...

I am beginning to see a pattern with all of these pet peeves. They mostly involve work.

I am convinced that no sane person would work if they didn't have to. Only insane people work in most offices. I believe I am one of the sane ones who has to work for a living.

We need to figure out how to manipulate the system so we get paid to not have to interact with these nut jobs!!

Carolyn said...

It's a true story about our repairman, I stake my life on it!!

Patty, I am saddend that Trevor was thinking about buying gifts for Inky for Christmas. I did not know he was that kind of pet owner!!!

I forgot one of my other office pet peeves, and you reminded me of it, Paul. Since I am the "HR girl" I pass out paychecks to everyone on payday. I am SICK of hearing when I come around "Oh, here is my best friend every two weeks." Clever! No really, I've never heard that comment before...NOT! Geez. It gets OLD, it really does. Then there's the "I get paid to have all of this fun?" YEAH, ya do. Now take it and shut up. Sometimes when I am feeling really sassy and I get this comment, I will cheekily reply: "This isn't Star Trek - we don't work for fulfillment, we work for this paycheck my friend."

Cynthia said...

This isn't Star Trek? Ha! I think you should use that line and other bitter ones like it every time you pass out the paychecks. Everytime.

Bek said...

You hit every pet peeve of mine right on the head. Some of them I didn't even know I HAD until you mentioned them. Best blog EVER.

Animals--don't even get me started. My theory is that we have children. They create enough poo and germs. At least they will someday learn to do the dishes, fetch things and MIGHT take care of me when I am old and crazy. Animals--not enough payback.

I haven't worked in an office for a long time, but it was the same when I was there, a million years ago.

As for the tissue thing, yes it is crazy (and weird), but I can't help but remember a time when my daughter threw up all over the car and I had NOTHING to clean it up with. At that point, I might have traded my son, all my money and my Kate Spade Diaper bag just to have a box of Kleenex...or a faded stuffed animal. :-)

Blue lights. I haven't really noticed it. Of course, we have spent the last 10 years living in apartments and condos that don't ALLOW lights. Someday, we will own a real house that doesn't share walls with anyone else. On that very special day, I swear I will NEVER use blue lights. Just inflatable nativity scenes and giant snowmen on the roof. Whew, thanks for helping avoid a potential social faux pas.

Thanks for letting me lurk. You make me laugh..and these days in my life, that is saying something...

Bek said...

I agree with that. At least it is gift cards. It seems like anytime I have been involved in something like that I end up with lotion, or bath salts. People, people, people...

Carolyn said...

I had this conversation with my friend last week about "safe" gifts that involve very little thought. Gift cards being the #1, but also as women the amount of lotion, candles, bath salts, lip gloss, etc that we are gifted at such times is unreal and unfair. We're such a thoughless society anymore!

Carolyn said...

And Patty - I often have to resist the urge not to deck the people who call me "Money Lady" on pay day. I beg you not to make those lame comments to your office HR girl. I BEG YOU!!!

Bek said...

The HR office is like the bishopric in a company. You know all the problems about everyone. I bet you have some stories you could tell.

I never called our HR people the "money lady" or my "best friend every two weeks". Then again, I am not especially clever...

Carolyn said...

And I was just released from my calling which releases me from the Ward Council. Talk about Bishopric, I am glad I will no longer have to know things!!!